Even though I’ve really been into audiobooks lately, podcasts still hold a special place in my earbud-shaped heart (okay, that sounded weird). As a podcaster myself, I so appreciate the work involved in creating an episode focused on a topic that flows, a conversation that stays interesting, and well-crafted post-production (which is a bajillion times harder than it seems).
So? Here’s what I’m into lately, in no particular order, along with a good recommended starter episode of each.
Ask Science Mike
I’ve been a fan of Mike McHargue’s work since I first heard him several years ago as co-host of The Liturgists podcast. This is his other podcast, where he answers listeners’ questions, often about the intersection of faith and science.

Mike is brilliant, and each episode leaves me thinking.
• Notable episode: #159, The Art and Science of Changing Minds
Hurry Slowly
I can’t remember where I first heard of this podcast, but it’s been a regular in my queue for several months, and I really dig it.

Jocelyn Glei has a fantastic voice, made for audio, and the show’s broad topic of being “more productive, creative, and resilient through the simple act of slowing down” is totally up my alley.
• Notable episode: Creativity vs. Efficiency
World Story of the Day
This show is crazy-hard to find in apps, for some reason, but if you’re one of my patrons, you’ll remember it from our WRLD episode on China. It’s important for all of us to keep a finger on the pulse of world news, but it’s impossible to dive deep without instant overwhelm — there’s only so much we can each keep up with.

This show scratches the itch: short (about 5 minutes), daily episodes with one global story, released by NPR. Monday through Friday, you can learn about one news story of the day, from all over the world.
If you’d like to add this podcast to your player/app of choice, but haven’t found it in its directory, copy + paste this code manually (in Overcast, for example, tap the plus sign in the top right corner, then tap ‘Add URL’ in the top right corner, then paste):
• Notable episode: Anything recent, such as Sweden’s Cashless Experiment
Without Fail
I’m a massive Alex Blumberg fan, and this new-ish show from his network, Gimlet, features his own candid conversations with entrepreneurs, artists, and other visionaries.

He focuses on both successes and failures, which is surprisingly refreshing, and Alex’s natural earnestness is evident: you find yourself caring about the topic simply because he cares.
• Notable episode: Ira Glass: The Man Who Launched a Thousand Podcasts
Losing 100 Pounds
The genre of this podcast is such a departure from my usual fare, but I can’t help myself. 14 years ago Corinne Crabtree lost 100 pounds, and she’s now a weight loss coach — in this show, she answers listener questions and covers common topics related to health and self-care.

She’s got an irreverent style: if language bothers you, you won’t like this show — there’s f-bombs aplenty (you’ve been warned). But she’s refreshingly funny and southern, and has heard all the excuses in the book so she cuts to the chase and gets to the point. Did I mention language?
• Notable episode: You want to lose weight? Listen up. Here’s how.
It’s Been a Minute
I’ve loved Sam Sanders since he was the main voice on NPR’s Politics Podcast, and this show of his is a delight. New episodes release on Tuesdays and Fridays, and I prefer the latter Weekly Wrap drops, where he has a rotation of two different guests and they discuss the week in news.

It’s both entertaining and insightful, and I love Who Said That?, the silly game he plays with his guests. I dare you not to tear up at the end of each episode, where loyal listeners call in and share the best part of their week.
• Notable episode: Whatever’s recent, since it’s news-sensitive — but try out the latest Weekly Wrap, or his interview with delightful chef Samin Nosrat.
What Works
My primary podcast-listening genres are actually business and writing: work education and inspiration, in other words. What Works is a new-to-me podcast with Tara McMullin, and I quickly became a fangirl (thanks to a friend in my mastermind group who said I’d like her).

I love her approach to business, her down-to-earth everywoman style, and her willingness to experiment, ask good questions, and continually evolve along with the landscape of small business.
I feel like we could sit down over drinks at the Lake McDonald Lodge in Glacier National Park.
• Notable episode: #168, Shifting Your Mindset To See Yourself and Your Small Business Differently
Fixed In Post
This is a brand-new show — as in, they’ve only released one episode, and it was this past week. But I listened to it, and it was a delight! I like most everything from Rabbit Room; their aesthetic, values, and approach to life and art are similar to mine, so I tend to trust whatever they release.

That’s the case with this show, as the two cohosts, John Barber and Pete Peterson, talk movies and what they’d do differently if they were in charge of it.
I look forward to following along and seeing what they release!
• Notable episode: Our Favorites of 2018
Somewhat ironically, this week on the pod I’ll be sharing a key ingredient I’m learning to balance with a steady diet of audiobooks and podcasts: silence. Look for it this Friday!
Your turn: What podcasts are you into lately?
p.s. 8 more great podcasts.